
Welcome to my academic website. I am Susan Holman, a writer and scholar who works in the intersections of public health, social history, and the history of faith-based responses to disease, hunger, and poverty. Much of my research focuses on the early Christian tradition and its effects on social determinants of health around the world today. Although most at home in a university setting, I try to intentionally attend to voices shaped “outside the box,” beyond the traditional classroom, with a value for the creative word, visual arts, and locations of quiet stillness.








Note from the site manager to the viewer: This site is at present a “free” website. This means that you will encounter external advertising on some pages. All advertising is beyond my control; I am still torn between the sheer principle and longterm benefits of maintaining a free website vs. offering you more visually quiet stillness in the near future. In the interim, as it is said in some circles: I beseech you, therefore, friends: kindly do your best to ignore the ads; certainly treat them as instantly disqualified from your purchasing plans, since larger economic forces beyond either of us have elbowed them in and they are not invited to the conversation here.